Entrega tus manos, te daré mis ojos

Entrega tus manos, te daré mis ojos. Experimental documentary, 2014. 7'

Give me your hands, I will give you my eyes 

A train leaves a suburban station with unknown destiny. During the journey, passangers surrender themselves to sleep: a generous, benevolent god that opens the gates of a hidden world. The plastic and sonic route becomes a subtle reminder of the illusory of life and existance. 


2015 Se Alquila Público, Teatro Daoíz y Velarde, Madrid (España)

2014 Magmart Video Festival, Roma (Italia)

2014 Ciclo Cine de Universidades Públicas, Teatro Argentino de La Plata (Argentina)

2013 Ciclo Presente Continuo, UNLP, La Plata (Argentina)

2013 III FIVA Festival Internacional de Video Arte de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

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  TENUE cassette released by Fuego Amigo Discos (Buenos Aires) Available at paulin.azch(a)gmail.com